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Cassears Pty Ltd

Sandalwood Santalum Lanceolatum

Cassears Pty Ltd
Cassears Pty Ltd are a company based in Melbourne in the Australian state of Victoria. Their main business areas are sandalwood Santalum Lanceolatum.

International companies interested in importing from Australia are welcome to use the contact details below.

Message from Cassears Pty Ltd
Cassears Pty Ltd. A boutique diverse Company that has established long and trusting associations with varying sandalwood and hardwood forest owners, including government forestry departments throughout the globe. Our vision and mission is to build upon these relationships, and to create an even greater global awareness to the sustainable sandalwood forestry management practices including reforestation/replanting. We are proud of our achievements thus far in this area, by funding and managing sandalwood nurseries setups in Fiji and Vanuatu built on faith. Both nurseries have been recognized by their respective government forestry departments. With high quality products and sustainability our primary focus, along with the respect of our closely associated sandalwood forest land owners and their respective cultures, we there for have certain criteria's within the purchasing of our products to be able to maintain these forest areas for generations to come. Our global buyers whom have adopted our selling models have the guaranteed comfort of a continuity of supplies for many years, and the knowing of within these business dealings and ethics they are part of a much greater global vision. Our range of arid timbers include rare small & slow growing hardwoods with some up to 200 years old. Given that these are growing in the outback desert makes harvesting and inland logistics extremely difficult. Cassears Pty Ltd have established close business relationships with key personal within: NSW & QLD Trade & Investment, Austrade, New South Wales & Queensland Government Forestry Departments. Australian Department of Agriculture & Fisheries & Forestry (DAFF), AQUIS & Toll Australia Marine Logistics. Our professional staff carefully oversee and provide constant updates of your order from start to finish. Cassears Pty Ltd have a belief that honesty is always the best policy and that trust has to be earned. OUR VALUES: INTEGRITY ~ AUTHENTICITY ~ UNITY

At a glance:
Company name: Cassears Pty Ltd
Main business activities: Sandalwood Santalum Lanceolatum

Cassears Pty Ltd can be contacted by clicking here: cassears@optusnet.com.au

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Trevor Cassidy

Cassears Pty Ltd
Finch Street

Melbourne 3018

Phone:  +61412230151
Fax:  +61412230151

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